
How to trace specific ownership marks and marginalia? How to go about reassembling a long dispersed library? A day of testing several sites with provenance research options left me with ambiguous feelings. It appears that searching online for specific traces of use is not only a time consuming but also a daunting occupation. Unsatisfactory, because provenance records are not always included in descriptions and even then they are not always mentioned in the online entries. I entered the name of the well known bibliophile Marcus Fugger in the C.E.R.L. Thesaurus and got zero result. I find that hard to believe. The thesaurus is linked to a long list of European libraries and zero result would mean none of these libaries have a book formerly owned by Marcus Fugger? Ideally, every book should be checked from front to back for traces of use and a thorough description made of the evidence found, according to standard, searchable entries. A lot of work and not enough librarians to do the job. The ambiguity lies therein that looking for traces of use is a mountain of work and this is a good thing because that mountain covers a wealth of unidentified gems for the lucky finder.  
To end on a positive note, the provenance page of the library of Lyon is a feast for the eye. Multi searchable, very complete descriptions and with photographs of relevant details.


Temporarily finished the ABC with a final entry on 'Why study traces of use?', a subject that merits its own page. 


Continuing the ABC

Have reached 'potential pitfalls' and it is time for reflection. My own pitfall number one might be spending too much time on the ABC. Moving it to the Traces of Use site was much more work than I had counted on as the pictures had to be moved as well. And futhermore regularly going back and forth in the list, correcting, adding and deleting. Time well spent, but also a prevailing feeling that this ABC project will never end. Pitfall number two is the looming alienation of this blog. Do I want that to happen? Back to blog, books, and research next week!



Once again a glitch during the uploading of new entries for the ABC, resulting in the loss of material going back to the beginning of February, so have decided to move the ABC to the Traces of Use site.